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Short Thought continued.....


It's a word that either fills us with joy at the thought of all the fun that is to come,

or with dread because of all the strife that we know inevitably accompanies this season.

It's a word that either fills us with the excitement of getting ready for a special time,

or with the worry of how to finance such an expensive month.


Some will already have filled their homes with decorations and seasonal lights;  

others will be waiting until the very last minute to put a tree up

and have it there for as short a time as possible.


And some of us, like me, will realise that the Wise Men we put out last year

are still on their journey to find Jesus because we forgot to put them away

when we were packing up twelve months ago....


But maybe it's not such a bad thing, as a sign put it:

“Wise Men still seek Him”.

Perhaps it's about seeking God all year round, not just at Christmas.

But this Christmas, as we prepare ourselves,

as we face what is to come with joy or dread, excitement or worry,

let us seek God's Wisdom in the midst of it all and

not get lost in the craziness, euphoria or panic that can come with it.


God promises to give us His Wisdom if we should only ask for it.

A wisdom that seeks God's ways above our own,

a wisdom that sees the needs of others and gives us a sensitive heart,

a wisdom that guides our choices and

a wisdom that knows and trusts that God has us in His hands when we seem lost.


This Christmas, as well as all the decorations filling our homes,

may our inner beings be filled and adorned with His wisdom.


Where do we start?

By “fearing the Lord”, seeing Him with the awe and reverence that is due to

His Name and living a life that reflects our obedience to His wise ways.


“Start with GOD - the first step in learning is bowing down to GOD;

only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning.”

(Proverbs 1:7 The Message)


“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you.

He will not rebuke you for asking.

But when you ask Him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.”

(James 1:5-6 NLT)

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